Because fatality neutralizes subversion.

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Orange County, California, United States



Initiate the "Go."

Coupland Asks: If you could be any animal, what kind of animal would you be?
Coupland Answers: You are an animal.

It's the momentum. Expository, no real catalyst to speak of; still in the preface, the backstory of the plot. There's way too much time devoted to establishing context,and the rising action is a negligent participant. Basic. It's basic. Remedial life; mittens pinned to my sweater. I have a sack lunch with my name scrawled across the fold.
What was I supposed to have been learning in the past five weeks and how do I articulate it?
Revision: How have I been wasting my time?
I don't recall.
Week One: Anxiety. Blink.
Week Two: Discomfort. Blink.
Week Three: Apathy. Blink.
Week Four: Confusion. An improvement over apathy. Sleep?
Thematic. Current conflict: Seeking transparency. Establishing roots. Accepting occasional detachment (non-attachment). Education is not an obstacle, but a system sustained by frequent concessions and inopportune dehydration. The key is band-aids and sport drink.
Ongoing issues: Recovering lost potential. Using more than eight words in a sentence. Discarding safety in favor of comfort.
Is it too late to hit reset?
Current Goals: Graduate by next year; two years travelling and working, then grad school. Santa Cruz? Or Berkeley (Hell, why not Oxford while I'm at it?)
Being goal-oriented ruins lives; structures aren't built on topsoil for a reason. Except for those people in Malibu.
Current Attainable Goals: Swim. Discard Ecclesiastical Philosophies and embrace soft determinism.

It will be the is, because it once was the is and the is is no longer what was, but what it initially set out to be.

Eleven Weeks to Go. Poem in the near future.
By that time I might actually start developing paragraphs.
Anybody up for a quick trip through Shangri-La? Drinks are on me.

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It's like trying to explain how to diagram a misremembered sentence. Or asking someone to be a little less pretentious.