Because fatality neutralizes subversion.

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Orange County, California, United States



Profiles Discouraged


To the Evaluator,

I am honored to recommend Abraham Mader for the opportunity to transfer to your institution. I believe that the Claremont Colleges would nurture respect and scholarship between Abraham and his chosen department. From his first semester under my instruction and every subsequent session he has displayed creative and well-informed analyses of his required texts, as well as a full appreciation for his own educational journey.

He has a definite understanding of his own ideas and is able to articulate these thoughts with clarity and a careful attention to structure. I believe he will do well in a challenging and politically charged environment where his unorthodox philosophies can find a home to produce a meaningful change in himself and the world around him.

Dr. Marshal Weisman
Professor of Comparative Literature
Desert Springs Community College
8 February 1998

Sir or Madam,

This letter's purpose is to recommend Louis Amarti for admittance into your institution. While, at first, I doubted his capability to maintain himself among such rigorous coursework, he has proven himself a model student of statistical analysis with a gift for logic and a deep understanding of the complex nature of numbers.

His ability to apply numbers the world around him is his greatest strength. The department of mathematics at the University of Southern California would be a perfect fit for Louis and his talents. I can foresee him maintaining himself very well in such a structured environment, which may enable him to produce groundbreaking work in this field. He shows a strong potential for such growth.

With all regards,
Simon Loew
Instructor of Mathematics and Quantative Reasoning
Urban Valley High School
9 January 2002

Mr. and Mrs. Alday

It is under regrettable circumstances that this letter is written. The Alta Mesa Union High School District Academic Committee has reviewed Emily's request to appeal her expulsion from the district and has decided to stand by their original decision. Discharging a firearm, even after hours, is a felonious offense and usually carries a more severe punishment than dismissal. This decision was also made with reference to previous instances that displayed a complete disregard for academic authority. With her record, the Academic Committee could not recommend her for reinstatement into our institution.

If you and your daughter wish to take further action, there is an open forum at 7 PM on the 22nd of June, where the town council and the school board meet. This group will convene in the campus' auditorium. Any complaints can be brought before this committee at the end of the session.

In the meantime, we wish you and your daughter luck on her future academic endeavors.

Kenneth C. Eastbrook
Vice Principal of Student Services
Alta Mesa High School
7 June 1999


Anonymous said...

Dude, your cut-ups lack any real punch. I can see it starting in motion, but I can't feel it in my stomach. Then again, my writing isn't any better these days.

corpus calamine said...

i know the links were kind of a rush job. any suggestions? it's a new experiment, obviously, and i'm devoting the next few entries to working with and improving it.

Anonymous said...

It's definitely a good start. It would be good to see a greater sense of connection between the three letters. Pictures, maybe. Of the students being written about.

The letters alone fall flat, but the semi-bio that pictures and the letters would produce might work better. As if everyone has a letter somewhere, good bad or trite. Everyone of our age is represented by someone else, people with power conspiring about the student's future. Give each of the them a picture. Make them subjects worthy of a biography, and then you can show what the letters really do.

If that's what you're going for.

It's like trying to explain how to diagram a misremembered sentence. Or asking someone to be a little less pretentious.